How To Study Efficiently for Long Hours


Now, we don’t really recommend a study for 16 hours a day, or pulling an all-nighter right before the exams. But, we’ve all been there, so we won’t judge. Instead, we will tell you how to make the most of your time and work efficiently for long hours. In fact, by following our tips you can even manage to squeeze in a couple more hours of sleep.

Here are our favorite tips and tricks!

1. Accept It

Sometimes, when you think of a whole sleepless night ahead with textbooks and bundles of notes, you can’t help but get extremely stressed. That is what you must change. You work better when you’re calmer, and you absorb more information when you’re not constantly looking at the clock (1 AM… 2AM… 3AM) or thinking about being in bed. Just accept that you’re going to have put in time and effort to finish you’re tasks, and stop stressing. You can sleep another day.

2. Pay Attention to Physical Symptoms

Now, what does this mean? When you get really tired, what body part starts hurting FIRST? Does you’re back ache? Does you’re head hurt? Is it you’re eyes? Realize what begins to irritate you first, and solve that problem. If you’re back hurts, get up and do some stretches. For a headache, you could try a medicine or a gentle massage. Put in eye drops to relax you’re eyes. Targeting the first signs of tiredness goes a long way in keeping you’re entire body feeling refreshed for longer.

3. Work for 52 minutes

Work for 52 minutes and take a break for 17 minutes. “What?!” You might ask me, “I don’t have TIME to take a break! Especially not for 17 minutes!” But try taking one anyway – because a precisely calculated 17 minute break after exactly 52 minutes is one of the best ways to improve productivity, according to scientists. It will leaving you feeling refreshed and re-focused, without feeling like you haven’t done any work.
4. Keep Yourself Motivated!

Make sure that you remind yourself why you’re working and studying, and try to remember the initial stages where you loved the particular subject or job. Remind yourself of how much you want to achieve your goals, and suddenly, the all-nighter won’t look so difficult and horrible anymore. It’s just a small, slightly unpleasant stepping-stone to where you want to go. You won’t even remember it after tomorrow.

Lastly, try NOT to repeat this experience. Look at our other articles for studying effectively, or keeping yourself motivated, so that you’re not tempted to leave everything to the last minute! We hope these tips helped to make you’re all nighter a little more pleasant. Do let us know if you have any other tips or tricks that you use!