Waiting has gone : Now contractual workers in MP will get benefits At Par...

MP Government abolishes annual renewal of contracts between contractual workers and government. Now Contractual Workers will Get Salaries At Par With Regular Employees. The benefits are.......... *...

3 जनवरी – जयंती पर विशेष स्त्री जागृति की पहली मशाल सावित्रीबाई फुले

सावित्रीबाई फुले का जीवन कई दशकों से महाराष्ट्र के गाँव कस्बों की औरतों के लिए प्रेरणादायक रहा है। उनकी जीवनी एक औरत के जीवट...

1 जनवरी 1894 – जन्म दिवस / प्रसिद्ध गणितज्ञ और भौतिक शास्त्री सत्येंद्र नाथ...

सत्येंद्र नाथ बोस प्रसिद्ध गणितज्ञ और भौतिक शास्त्री थे। भौतिक शास्त्र में दो प्रकार के अणु माने जाते हैं- बोसॉन और फर्मियान। इनमें से बोसॉन...

समय है ज्ञान को किताबों से बाहर निकालने का – डॉ. नीलम महेंद्र

पढ़ाई वो ही नहीं हो जो  टीचर ने बताया और बच्चों ने उसे याद कर लिया बल्कि वो हो जो गुरु ने समझाया और...

Easy to follow tips to score more in Math in JEE Mains 2018

The official exam date for the JEE Mains 2018 offline exam has been released by the CBSE and the official notification for the same...

IIT-B is optimistic about the coming placement season

Students at the IIT-Bombay are expected to have a buoyant placement season this year. Tom Mathew, Professor in Charge of Placements, said 'A number of...

NIFT admissions open for Master’s and Bachelor’s program for 2017-18

National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT) is accepting the online applications for the admission in Bachelor and Master Programs. The online portal for registration...

Admit cards for the IIFT MBA 2017 available; Download now

The admit cards for the Master of Business Administration International Business (MBA IB) examination have been released by the Indian Institute of Foreign Trade...

NIOS D.El.Ed released identity cards: Download now

Identity cards have been released by the National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) on its official website of the NIOS D.El.Ed for the registered...

UGC directed ‘deemed-to- be varsities’ to refrain from using the word ‘university’ in institute...

UGC directed about 123 'deemed-to-be-universities' from using the word 'university' in their institute's name and said that institutes who will fail to follow the...

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