Switch up your routine


Sustain, don’t diet-weight loss should be sustainable and not radical. Make lifestyle changes by sorting out your schedule to allow yourself to get in a routine that doesn’t break too often. Always start when you feel ready and compliant. If you allow yourself to gradually get on a nutritious diet plan, you will achieve irreversible changes.

Move your body more: Take control of your body. You can aim to have toned thighs and a slim waist, but don’t overtrain. Doing 50 squats or 100 lunges in one go will only leave you sore. My advice is to develop a workout that suits your body type and then gradually ease into it. Take expert help and build your stamina gradually.

Watch the calories: It is always safer to choose the ‘low calorie’ option. This way, you curb your cravings without ruining your diet. For example, when the ice-cream cravings creep in, opt for a glass of skim milk so you end up consuming only 90 calories and not 200. It might seem like a difficult choice initially, but it is the right one.

Moderation is key: Don’t give up on sweets, desserts and chocolates. Don’t cut out your favourite food completely. Rather, follow the principle of moderation-if you’re craving chocolate, have a piece, but don’t have the entire bar at once.

Drink more water: We all know the benefits of drinking water. Increasing the intake of water needs a conscious effort. Don’t drink only when you feel thirsty, but keep your body hydrated throughout the day. Keep water within your reach at all times.

Eat frequently, and on time: Eating multiple times a day is the key to the success of any nutritional plan. Keep your metabolism going by eating every four hours. Grab a fruit or pick on some nuts but don’t skip a meal.

Cook more often: Home cooked food is always better. Fresh ingredients that are free of chemicals, and controlled use of oil ensure consumption of fewer calories. This is one of the best ways to manage your diet and get in shape. If you plan to go out, eat a part of your dinner at home at a reasonable time before leaving.

Find a way to stay motivated: If there’s a particular dress you want to fit into, keep it where you can see it. You will be surprised how much motivation that gives you to stick to your plans.

Follow the 80:20 rule: Eat healthy 80 per cent of the time and eat what you want for the remaining 20 per cent. While it might not help you lose weight, it can definitely help you maintain it.