UPSC NDA/NA prelims 2017: Five preparation tips for the last da


The Union Public service commission is going to conduct the National Defence Academy (NDA)- Indian Naval Academy (NA) examination tomorrow, April 23, 2017 and candidates are in a rush to prepare. Those who do crack the exam will gain admission into the Indian Army, Navy and the Air Force sections of the NDA.

There are several things that one must remember for the exam. Check out the following tips for the last day:

1. Revise, not study

The time for studying and picking up new topics is over. In these last few hours before you need to leave for the exam, it is important no to stress yourself out by trying to study something you have not understood during the long months of preparation.

Now is the time to revise. Brush up on your strengths and glimpse through the more difficult topics. Know the exam pattern and practice mock tests to get the hang of how much time you should spend on each question. Focus on what you know, see where you make mistakes and do not stress yourself on what you do not know.

2. Keep things ready

One thing most individuals brush off as unimportant is the items they would be required to carry on the day of the exam. If you know you will forget something in the morning, pack everything you need now. Make sure that you have all the documents and stationery required to get you through the exam.

Do not carry chits of paper, electronic devices or anything that would suggest you are using unfair means. Make sure you do not bring your mobile phones with you as they will not be allowed in the exam centres. Keep everything you need in one place and you are ready to go. Running about trying to find your admit card or pen in the last minute will not be helpful and cause unnecessary last minute stress.

3. Sleep and health

This is vital for any candidates who wishes to fare well in the paper. How you treat your body on the day before the exam can make or break you on the day of the exam. Eating junk or fast food instead of healthy, home-made alternatives can cause ill-health will pull away from your ability to do your best for the paper. Staying up late to study and not catching enough sleep (at least six hours) can also hinder the functions of the mind during the examYou do not want upset stomachs and heavy drooping eyes hindering those five hours that you need to spend alert on your answers. So make sure to eat healthy and sleep well.

4. Reach on time

All your preparation and hard work will be of no use if you end up reaching the exam centre late and are not allowed inside. To make sure that you reach on time, wake up early and leave for the centre even earlier. Getting there too early is never a sin. It will save you from any traffic jams or unnecessary last minute panic.

5. Stay positive, be confident

You have spent a long time preparing for the UPSC NDA NA exam and you must trust all that you have learnt so far. It is important to keep a positive mind and surround yourself with positive people.

Do not stress yourself on the outcome as there is nothing you can do about it. Negative emotions, stress and panic will not aid you in any way. Take a deep breath and keep calm. Enter the exam hall believing that you have done all you can and give it your best shot.

All the best!