CBSE asked its schools to frame service rules for the teachers


Recently, Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) directed all its affiliated schools to frame the service rules for the teachers. CBSE asked the schools to do so because it has received various complaints regarding the violation of the norms.

A communication sent to schools by the CBSE stated, “It has been noticed that in spite of provisions under the Right To Education (RTE) Act, 2009, and affiliation bye- laws, the appointment of teachers with prescribed procedures and qualifications, service condition of the teachers, their professional development and mechanism for redressal of their grievance are not adhered to by some schools.”
“A number of complaints have been received against affiliated schools alleging payment of partial salary, delay in disbursement of salary and allowances, promotion and non-availability of welfare measures for teachers, retaining the teachers after schools hours, engaging them in the non-education activities.

As a result, the teachers in affiliated schools feel de-motivated in pursuing their career in the teaching profession and taking interest in the
classroom teaching which adversely affect the overall quality of education and learning outcomes,” it added.

In the light of all these complaints CBSE asked its affiliated schools to frame the service rules and service outcomes and asked schools to ensure that appointment of teachers etc. are being done as per the provisions mentioned in the RTE and CBSE by-laws.