Last minute tips for CAT exam


When it comes to assessing your knowledge just a few months before the exam, one must focus largely on their implication skills in addition to knowledge based skills. The more you know the better, but what is more important is to know how to smartly implement it in the examination. CAT is not like a usual knowledge testing exam where direct questions are put up; rather it grills the execution power of your mind! Due to the considerable shortage of time, you might even not have the opportunity to attempt all the questions, something which must be kept clearly in mind. Instead, it is advisable to go the smarter way round. Since every question awards you the same marks, nobody will applaud you for attempting the trickiest questions. If you can manage to sleek out five easy ones in place of one tough question, you’re on the right track!

Another very important tip to gain a good percentile is to practice a number of mock tests before the exam. Going through all the types of questions in one place at a time gives you a boost in your problem solving skills. Also do try the official mock tests available on the CAT website before the exam.

Last moment tips are not always associated with preparing and improving, another great tip that comes really handy is revising what you’ve already studied. Allot a time period specifically for going back to what all you prepared in the past. Everyone has different retention powers and thus it never harms to revise your prepared topics.

The CAT exam depends largely upon your precision, good decision making and the ability to improvise quickly on what all you can gain in a small span of time; something which undoubtedly needs a sound state of mind! So obviously, overworking your mind and taking a lot of stress will not allow you to take the best decisions. Stay relaxed and focussed. Do not sacrifice your sleep by tricking your mind into thinking that it will fetch you extra marks. The best way to let yourself be rejuvenated and relaxed is to get enough sleep and also remember to stay away from distractions (whatever they might be for you!).

Go through all the sections in subject specific manner. Analyse your weaknesses and strengths and try to focus more on what you can easily extract out of the paper. In the last few months before the exam, the maximum amount of practice will take you through. Try your hands on a variety of problems; comprehensions, essays, quantitative aptitude, reasoning, puzzles, logical analysis etc. Try to solve different problems so that you have a firm grip on variety. Since you cannot predict the paper make sure that you remain prepared for whatever it throws at you!