The Busy Mom’s Guide to Helping Kids to Organize Their Room


One of the biggest struggles for every parent is to make their children organize their room. From bargaining and begging to yelling and having your kids grounded, you’ve probably done it all. Getting kids organized is important not only to maintain your house neat and tidy, but also to help them develop essential skills and habits. Different researches suggest that the children’s behavioral patterns are determined by the age of three. This doesn’t mean that you can’t teach your older kids to clean up their rooms. You just need a different strategy. Here are a couple of organizing tips for kids of all ages.

For toddlers (2-4) and younger kids (5-8)

  • Be a positive example

Kids can react in two different ways to their parent’s organizational habits. They will either rebel or follow your example. In their early age, children tend to model the behaviour of their parents. Be mindful about your own cleaning and organizational habits.

  • Explain

Discuss the importance of house cleaning and organizing with you children. In this way they will see household tasks as something necessary rather than a duty or a meaningless job.

  • Create and cultivate interest in organizing

The best time to start teaching organizational habits is at age two or three, encouraging those habits as they grow. Toddlers are curious and ready to help with any task around the house. They love to collect and sort stuff. Think of their building block and activity cubes. Toddler can organize their toys or assist you with tasks such as throwing clothes into the dryer. Older children are more likely to get involved in certain job if it looks fun.  Make domestic cleaning and organizing entertaining by turning it into a game.

  • Make organizing simple

Provide your kids with enough storage solutions for all of their belongings. Place them in a strategic position so your children can easily organize their stuff. Pick storage options that prevent kids from taking out items easily, but allow them return them quickly.

  • Assign age-appropriate tasks

You should pick chores that your toddler or older kid can actually complete. If they feel discouraged, they will not be willing to do it again. Remember that cleaning and organizing should be a cooperative project. Always be around your kids to assist them of needed.

  • Establish a routine

The best way to create a habit is by establishing a routine. Pick a day when your kid will need to tackle their household duties.

For Pre-Teens (9-12)

  • Let them establish their own schedule

Older children need to feel more in charge. Allow them to schedule their responsibilities and how to manage their time. They will become more independent and self-motivated if you are not constantly around nagging about cleaning their room.

  • Let them choose

Go shopping for storage solutions with your children. When they are provided with the possibility to pick something they like, they will feel more involved.

  • Let them sell their things

If your kid wants to sell their stuff online or on garage sale, let them do it, while keeping an eye on them. Your child will get extra money and you will have less clutter in your home.

For Teens (13-17)

  • Choose your battles

If you haven’t taught your kids organizing skills by now, you will probably have hard times as they become teens. Accept the fact that you will not be able to make them to all the things you want. Instead pick a few that you think are important and make them mandatory.

  • Negotiate

Instead of constantly making demands, think what you can give in return. Your teen will feel more motivated if they are offered some kind of reward.

  • Be patient

The best way to go through this tough process is by just being patient.  This is only phase and it shall pass.

With the right approach, you can help your children develop organizing and cleaning habits that will last a lifetime.