

From festivals in Florida to touring Dracula’s digs in Romania, we round up the best destinations to visit this October. As summer abandons Europe again this October, eke out the last of the rays and raves in Ibiza, where nightclubs will be going out with a bang for the winter break. When the party finally stops head to the island’s north.

10 Ways to Keep Air Clean at Home

Pollution is hazardous for your heart and can wreak havoc if you have asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). "COPD stands for two processes...

The 25 Cheapest Places To Travel This Summer

There's nothing like a summer vacation, but it can also be one of the most expensive times to take a trip. Depending on where you...

Sizing down travel expenses: Here are some money-saving travel tricks

New Delhi: While planning a vacation, the biggest dampener that affects and restricts every itinerary is the expenditure to be incurred while making your...

Akash will bring light in the life of Deepak

Akash will bring light in the life of Deepak As soon as the information was received, the tribal child was taken to Bhopal for...

INDIA’s stars Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli tied the knot in Italy

In one of the most awaited weddings the two were married in a private ceremony, attended by close family members and friends, at a...

बच्चों को इस प्रकार मच्छरों से बचाएं  

मच्छरों से मलेरिया, डेंगू के साथ ही कई अन्य बीमारियां होती हैं, ऐसे में इनसे बचाव किया जाना चाहिये। बुखार बढ़ने के साथ ही...

ब्लैक राइस करता है गंभीर बीमारियों से बचाव  

ब्राउन राइस से होने वाले फ़ायदों के बारे में तो हम सभी जानते हैं, लेकिन क्या आप ब्लैक राइस के बारें में जानते है।...

14 Lifestyle Changes That Make You Look Younger

You can't stop time, you can turn back the clock to achieve more youthful-looking hair, hands, and skin. And you don't need to submit...

3 Strength Moves You Probably Aren’t Doing—But Should Be

You're probably already incorporating strength moves such as squats, planks, and burpees, into your workout routine. But there are a few additional moves you're...

बच्चों के पेट में कीड़ों का करें घरेलू उपाय 

बच्चों के पेट में कीड़े होना बेहद आम समस्या है, और लगभग 10 में से 7-8 बच्चों को यह समस्या होती ही है हालाँकि,...

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बीजापुर। बीजापुर के मिनी स्टैडियम में आयोजित बस्तर ओलंपिक के ब्लॉक स्तरीय प्रतियोगिता एंव भैरमगढ़ के ब्लॉक स्तरीय प्रतियोगिता का सफलतापूर्वक आयोजन के बाद गुरूवार...

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